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Slide Score is proud to support European School of Pathology 2019
Slide Score is great for scoring pathology slides in research studies or clinical trials. But it can be very useful during pathology trainings and courses, too. Slide Score helps you organize the slides and share them with the participants. We create shared or individual accounts for them so that they can assess the whole slide images or tissue microarrays (TMA0. Slide Score can then create clear reports with the scores and Fleiss' kappa or other measures of interobserver variability for the organizers and personalized feedback for the participants.
During the 7th Dutch Breast Pathology Course 55 pathologists were asked to score 353 slides using Slide Score. Slide Score performed great and was rated 8.4/10 on average by the pathologists.
That's why the European Society of Pathologists chose Slide Score as the platform for sharing slides for Virtual Slide Lectures for the European School of Pathology 2019 at Varna, Bulgaria on 2nd-4th May 2019. We will also present a short lecture on the importance of proper data management when scoring slides during the meeting.
We are very happy that we can help with training pathologists to stay current with the newest trends in their field and showcase digital pathology!