Consensus scoring of pathology slides

When two or more pathologists score the same slide the results are not always the same - they can have different methodologies or consider different parts of the slide as more representative.

That's why research studies where scoring pathology slides plays an important role often arrange for multiple pathologists to score the same slides and aggregate their scores to a consensus score - a more objective result.

Doing this without a dedicated workflow tool like Slide Score is very difficult though. From distribution of the slides, making sure all pathologists can view (read more about our fast pathology slide viewer) them correctly and answer the same questions the same way to collecting the results, resolving ambiguities and entering them into a data format suitable for statistical analysis.

Slide Score can help in each of these steps.

Study organizer can upload their slides to a private secure Slide Score server and configure email addresses of participants. At the same time pathology experts can collaborate on designing the scoring sheet. When the study is ready Slide Score can send out emails to the participants with links to their cases sets.

Pathologists click the link in their email to directly open the next slide they need to score, with the scoring sheet next to it - so they don't need to navigate menus or tables, copy-paste links around or search around what are the things that need to be scored.

The questions can be very structured allowing only a limited set of responses so that when the study is done, with one click of a button the analysts can download a tab-separated file ready to be analyzed in Excel, R or SAS.

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Comparison of results to the majority opinion

Figure shows a personalized comparison of results to the majority opinion with a simple measure of agreement for each question and slide in a study. Possible answers are on the right with counts for each

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